Scenic Byways
The Utah Scenic Byway Program serves as a support system to local scenic byway communities in their planning
endeavors, grant acquisitions, and efforts to preserve and promote the unique roads throughout Utah that link
travelers with tourism destinations, outstanding recreational opportunities, and public lands.
While the Utah Scenic Byway program has been active since the mid-1980s, the establishment of the National Scenic Byway Program in 1991 provided a form of national recognition and a dedicated funding stream for planning, enhancing, interpreting and marketing scenic byways throughout the state and the nation. The National Scenic Byway Program is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. The program is a grass-roots collaborative effort established to help recognize, preserve and enhance selected roads throughout the United States, most recent transportation bill, "Moving Ahead of Progress in the 21st Century" (MAP-21), reauthorized federal transportation programs through the end of fiscal year 2014. The legislation that authorizes the National Scenic Byway Program, Title 23, Section 162 of the United States Code, is still in place, but no further funds were allocated. Funding for implementation of certain scenic byway projects and activities continue as an eligible activity under the Transportation Alternatives Program.






Contact: Camille Johnson
Director of Community and Partner Relations
Chair, Utah Scenic Byway Committee
[email protected]